Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

The Mayans Doomsday Is Not 2012

You Must Know "The Mayans Doomsday Is Not 2012" Version Blog Ripleys

Year 2012 has become very important and makes human fearest imagine come arise because of Hollywood movie-themed apocalypse, '2012 '.The film made by director Roland Emmerich myth that utilize Mayan calendar end, December 21, 2012, as a day of destruction of the world.
Today, in 2012 again was mentioned because of published book entitled "Calendars and Years II: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient and Medieval World" (Calendar and Year II: Astronomy and Time in Ancient and Medieval World) published in 2010 .
However, let doomsday predictions about the truth. The book reveals that even the end of calendar calculations 'Long Count' Maya allegedly inaccurate. The difference could be 50 to 60 years.
How come?

The issue of magnitude, while researching an ancient calendar, the time frame of archaeologists trying to correlate them with the modern calendar (Gregorian).
For example, the momentum-momentum is important Mayan war such as famine, religious celebration - translated in the format day / month / year today.
Maya Experts trying to find a significant momentum that can connect calendar 'Long Count' by Gregorian.
To that end, scientists Maya using correlation factor called 'Constant GMT'. Initials GMT obtained from the name of the inventor - Joseph Goodman, Juan Martinez-Hernandez, and J. Eric S. Thompson.
Gerardo Aldana is a professor from the University of California, Santa Barbara who question the validity of the correlation - based on the existence miskorelasi astronomical events in the past.
Aldana wrote about it in a special chapter in the book "Calendars and Years II: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient and Medieval World"
He said, the Mayans were advanced astronomers of his era. They also accurately record the events in the sky at night.
Documenting the Mayan Moon phases, eclipses, and even track the movements of Venus. Note they allow them to predict future astronomical cycles with great accuracy.
According to Aldana, although the GMT using sources of evidence astronomy, archeology, history to correlate 'Long Count' by the modern calendar, no doubts when the evidence is interpreted from ancient Mayan artifacts and colonial texts.
For example, an important event, the date set forth battle ruler Dos pilas (Maya site in Guatemala). Ruler Balaj Chan K'awiil chose this date based on the appearance of 'Chak Ek'.
By Stockholm University archaeologist, Johan Normark, 'Chak Ek' is defined as Venus.However, in his study Aldana oppose it. He said, 'Chak Ek' is a meteor.
Imagine, if the incidence correlated with Venus but actually it is associated with random events such as meteorite sightings? Clearly link the results of the Mayan calendar with time in the modern calendar was disheveled and definite difference.
In his writings, Aldana presents several reasons why the constants GMT unreliable. He's not the first to doubt it.
However, further research such as determining the time by radiocarbon dating to be done to support their argument. So, still believe in apocalypse will happen in 2012?

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