Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2011

What happens if we move with the speed of light?

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What happens if we move at speeds approaching the light ??.

Hmm..,before we discuss.., go ahead, rather than stunned ...Today is already 105 years since Einstein first introduced the Theory of Special Relativitythat explains what happened to an object at the speed of light.Actually there are many who have studied related questions. But we just see what happens when we make an object moving near the speed of light. There are three important things:1.Contraction, This will happen to everyone. If we are moving near the speed of light, then someone who sees us, will see us shrink. But from our side, everything that we see will appear to move backwards we approach the speed of light, and also like having a smaller dimension.2. Time Get Slower, This phenomenon is called dilation (dilation), and again, this happens to everyone. This means that if we are moving near the speed of light, everyone who sees us will see that the time will run slower for us: we watch runs slower, slowing our age, our heart rate slows, and so on. But we also see the same thing, the age of the men slowed, and so on.But if we go close to the speed of light and then we come back to earth at the speed of the earth, we will find the fact that during our trip, although we run a normal life as usual, which occurred on Earth over a long time has passed.
Well...let's look from this video :

3.More and much energy is required to increase speed. Some of you who know a little physics know that the magnitude of the energy of a particle is E = mc2. Some of you also know that Kinetic energy = 1 / 2 mv2. But when you move near the speed of light, it takes longer and takes more energy to move faster. In the chart below, the purple line is the old formula for kinetic energy, but the red line represents the actual energy (relativistic). Note that you will never really be able to reach the speed of light, but that the energy approaches infinity

So that's what happens when an ordinary object approaching the speed of light: seen to contract, time slowed, and the need for greater energy to increase speed. Or for example, something that has no mass (like photons, or mengkin gravity), must travel at the speed of light.
But let's say you have a spaceship, and somehow decided to travel at the speed of light.What happened?Okay, if you use all the energy in the universe for your spaceship, you may be approaching the speed of light. How close? The speed of light exactly 299,792,458 meters / second. And you can reach between approximately 1 x 10-30 meters / second of that figure - already really good. Put you reach that speed, what will happen?First, the entire universe will contract transformed into just a few billion kilometers - less than one light year!Second, time will slow down so violently, until the age you are just a few seconds while the universe in fact has increased by billions of years old!Galaxy will fuse, the stars will be born and explode in a trice.And finally, you probably will be the first to see the fate of the universe: if the universe had a final, you can slow down time so great for yourself, so maybe you do not just see it, you may do so only in a matter of seconds.So the problem is not just how to reach the speed of light, but there are other reasons why we do not try to do it.
What happens if we move with the speed of light
READ MORE - What happens if we move with the speed of light?

Hiking Location Inside The Lake

You Must Know "Magic Tuber Tangible Man" Version Blog Ripleys

Strange natural phenomena create beautiful hiking paths in Austria was transformed into the location of diving as deep as 10 meters are unique for half a year.
Its location in the foothills of Hochschwab, in Tragoess, Styria, AUSTRIA. Green Lake is one of the strangest natural phenomenon in the world. During the winter this location is really dry like ordinary hiking locations where many people come over there for a vacation town. But it coincided with rising temperatures, snow and ice that covers the mountains begins to melt and the water flooded the site and make it into the location under which the water is crystal-clear water.
Depths ranging from 1-2 meters up to more than 10 meters in the early summer. Waters of Green Lake is reached at which point in June, where many diving enthusiasts come for the sake of enjoying the beauty of the mountains in the water park. Seating benches, grass green mountains, trees, roads, bridges and even under water creates wonderful atmosphere seemed to be on the mainland. But this phenomenon only lasts half the year in each year. Precisely this that makes people more curious.

The pictures below were taken during summer :

Magic Tuber Tangible Man
READ MORE - Hiking Location Inside The Lake

Magic Tuber Tangible Man

You Must Know "Magic Tuber Tangible Man" Version Blog Ripleys

He-Shou-Wu is an annual vines with tubers along the 3 feet, which are usually mutually twisted with each other. There is a story about the origins of crop He-Shou-Wu is.
In the Tang Dynasty there was a man named Tian'er He of Shuen Zhou. He was weak, sickly, and likes getting drunk. Although he was 58 years old but he's still single.
On a night when he was drunk he fell asleep in a bush. When he awoke, he saw two plants intertwined with each other. He struggled to separate them, but it was not long before they linked back. After doing three - four times, he was very surprised because the plant was related again, until finally he was digging the plant and bring him home.
Tian'er then asked the villagers, but no one knows about the plant. Finally he store and dry them. Then some villagers told him, "You are old, and yet have children, while the plant remained together even after you separate. How wonderful, why do not you eat it and who knows this could help you. "
Finally Tian'er peel and eat it with wine. A few months later she felt healthy and fit and have sexual desires. He too wanted to get married and have offspring. After two years of consuming the plant, all the disease disappeared, gray hair turned black and turned into a tight skin redness. In the ten years he had several children and he changed his name from a Can-Sire Tian'er He.
One day the monk came to Can-Wen Xiang Sire He and advised him, "These plants are vines that mating at night. If you take it, you can live to 160 years. Teachers have told me that recipe.

"If I take it, I will have children but I am a monk. Both plants can make you more excited. A cultivator should not behave like that. Since you find it, then you have to take it, this is a rare opportunity and destiny sky. "
After that Can-sire to understand the significance of these plants as family heirlooms from generation to generation. His son, Xiounen follow in the footsteps of his father and they both lived more than 160 years. Xiounen son, named Shou-Wu, who also take advantage of these plants can survive for more than 130 years. Despite their age a hundred years more, but they remain black hair until his death.

Shiu-Wu He-also called wild seedlings, vines that mating at night or in fairy-earth. This plant has a variety of male and female: the male yellow-whitish, while the female is yellow-reddish. Usually these plants are harvested in late spring to mid summer or early fall.Tuber plant has various forms of the human form until the turtle. Believed to be the drug and whether to increase vitality, to blacken the hair, tighten skin and provide long-term benefits to the growth of muscle, bone, bone marrow. Also known to prolong life.
READ MORE - Magic Tuber Tangible Man

The Mayans Doomsday Is Not 2012

You Must Know "The Mayans Doomsday Is Not 2012" Version Blog Ripleys

Year 2012 has become very important and makes human fearest imagine come arise because of Hollywood movie-themed apocalypse, '2012 '.The film made by director Roland Emmerich myth that utilize Mayan calendar end, December 21, 2012, as a day of destruction of the world.
Today, in 2012 again was mentioned because of published book entitled "Calendars and Years II: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient and Medieval World" (Calendar and Year II: Astronomy and Time in Ancient and Medieval World) published in 2010 .
However, let doomsday predictions about the truth. The book reveals that even the end of calendar calculations 'Long Count' Maya allegedly inaccurate. The difference could be 50 to 60 years.
How come?

The issue of magnitude, while researching an ancient calendar, the time frame of archaeologists trying to correlate them with the modern calendar (Gregorian).
For example, the momentum-momentum is important Mayan war such as famine, religious celebration - translated in the format day / month / year today.
Maya Experts trying to find a significant momentum that can connect calendar 'Long Count' by Gregorian.
To that end, scientists Maya using correlation factor called 'Constant GMT'. Initials GMT obtained from the name of the inventor - Joseph Goodman, Juan Martinez-Hernandez, and J. Eric S. Thompson.
Gerardo Aldana is a professor from the University of California, Santa Barbara who question the validity of the correlation - based on the existence miskorelasi astronomical events in the past.
Aldana wrote about it in a special chapter in the book "Calendars and Years II: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient and Medieval World"
He said, the Mayans were advanced astronomers of his era. They also accurately record the events in the sky at night.
Documenting the Mayan Moon phases, eclipses, and even track the movements of Venus. Note they allow them to predict future astronomical cycles with great accuracy.
According to Aldana, although the GMT using sources of evidence astronomy, archeology, history to correlate 'Long Count' by the modern calendar, no doubts when the evidence is interpreted from ancient Mayan artifacts and colonial texts.
For example, an important event, the date set forth battle ruler Dos pilas (Maya site in Guatemala). Ruler Balaj Chan K'awiil chose this date based on the appearance of 'Chak Ek'.
By Stockholm University archaeologist, Johan Normark, 'Chak Ek' is defined as Venus.However, in his study Aldana oppose it. He said, 'Chak Ek' is a meteor.
Imagine, if the incidence correlated with Venus but actually it is associated with random events such as meteorite sightings? Clearly link the results of the Mayan calendar with time in the modern calendar was disheveled and definite difference.
In his writings, Aldana presents several reasons why the constants GMT unreliable. He's not the first to doubt it.
However, further research such as determining the time by radiocarbon dating to be done to support their argument. So, still believe in apocalypse will happen in 2012?
READ MORE - The Mayans Doomsday Is Not 2012

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

Mystery of the Black Death in Europe

You Must Know "Mystery of the Black Death in Europe" Version Blog Ripleys

Events that had devastated Europe thugs around the year 1347 and 1351. Black Death was plague epidemic PES and pneumonia. Black death which occurred in about the year in the 1300s was probably the worst disaster ever befall mankind civilization on this earth.

Spread throughout the world, at least the Black Death killed approximately 40 million people, including 25 million people in Eropa.faktanya, Black Death killed one of every four Europeans in just four years

It is said that this disease originated from China, then transmitted to the people of Europe when a Kipchak (Mongols) invade a crowd by throwing an infected corpse into the middle of the trade center in the Crimea. Then they will reach epidemic Genoa in 1347, then spread to the west and north, reaching London and Paris in 1348.

Outbreaks may be taken first by rat fleas can also live on manusia.Hal was later turned into a plague pneumonia is spread through coughing and sneezing. After the black death plague these, terrain filled with mayat2, houses, villages and cities become desolate and empty. After that there was shortage of labor so that their wage increases and many slaves get their freedom.

It is said that thousands of human skeletons that are used as basic building construction Evora Portugal's Chapel in the framework of the victims are black death plague malignancy. figure below.
Mystery of the Black Death in Europe
READ MORE - Mystery of the Black Death in Europe

The Story Legends of Santa Claus

You Must Know "The Legends of Santa Claus" Version Blog Ripleys

The legend of Santa Claus appeared on thousands of years ago. God of war in Northern European legend, during the winter, riding the eight-legged horse who ran quickly to the end of the sky over the sea, punishing evil and praising the good, share the prize. At the same time, the son of God of Thunder is a red dress with lightning as a weapon to fight with all the snow gods in the darkness of night, which ended with the victory.

There is also a legend that says that Santa Claus comes from St.. Nicholas, Sinterklaas therefore also called St. Nicholas, because these stories largely rekindle the spirit of Christianity, the place of origin, the plot mostly been forgotten, but instead of Santa Claus in the eternal spiritual world of many people. Every year at Christmas, Santa Claus riding on top of the constellation Aries, the boy holding the sacred evergreen tree (Christmas tree) down to the human world, but along with changes in human life, writers and artists began to depict the form of Santa Claus Santa Claus dressed in red and white beard that we know today.

Simultaneously there is also a different explanation of the different countries and cultures. The origins of Santa Claus in Germany based on the story of god Woden (from here also the term 'Wodenesday' or day of Woden, which we call Wednesday (Wednesday). Woden important for the residents in the place we now know as Germany and the the ancient Teutons, in addition to English people. Woden, which is a figure in history, is described in mythology as riding a white horse through the air, by dressing robes flowing. He has a long white beard and large hat kerana He is also believed to have wisdom, and he carried a book in his hands.

Sinterklaas is makeup to be a holy man who put the hard-skinned fruit and apple in the children's shoes. He was driving a hansom cab around in all directions, observing the attitudes and behaviors of people, especially children, if demonstrated good behavior, will get a gift of apples, hard-skinned fruit, candy and a large number of other prizes. While the bad behavior of children who will only get the whip. This is what inspires parents to use a legend such as the driving spirit of the children.

In Italy, the figure of Santa Claus emerged from the story about a witch named Befana. He received his assignment from the angels to give gifts to the Lord Jesus when Jesus was born, like the Magi, but he arrived late due to their negligence. Therefore Befana punished every year before the birth of Jesus, he must give a gift as much as possible to the little children who can not afford. This belief is shared by many people, so the religious leaders in Italy took the decision to trust is transferred to Santa Claus. This was the beginning of the belief that Santa Claus was always giving gifts to children.

In the Netherlands, Santa Claus known as Sinterklaas. Sinterklaas is a bisop who wear hats and have a book that records good deeds and sins. He has a shepherd's staff and riding a white horse on the tube-tube home. Sinterklaas has a slave named Black Peter. In the Netherlands, the children sang songs around the chimney to Santa Claus. Black Peter was heard above the chimney to determine the same time there are kids singing songs very well and provide appropriate gifts to the horse Santa Claus, namely Karot and Straw. Gifts are then given to the children through the chimney.

When the Dutch colonialists arrived in the Americas, they also bring with them the bishop of Santa Claus, portrayed wearing red kasaya, and riding a white horse. Recent American Santa Claus figure gradually becomes a wise Sinterklaas. Initially, the American writer Washington Owen in the comedy drama (History of New York) depicts Santa Claus as a fat Dutch grandfather and round. 1823, the poet Clement Moore's poem and the song "The impression St.Nicholas" dramatize the figure of Saint Nicholas, grandfather's Christmas (Santa Claus). In the 1960's cartoon film producer Thomas Nash paints a grandfather of Christmas (Santa Claus) is a social and fat as an illustration.

As time passes, the figure of Santa Claus to spread to all corners of the world. A large number of countries also kept the legend associated with it. Sinterklaas from France named Father Christmas or Pere Noel, Sinterklass from Switzerland named Christkindl or Christ Child, and Santa Claus from the English name is the same with the French Father Christmas, more reverent figure compared with other Santa Claus, a little thinner. And the Santa Claus of North America is driving a reindeer pulled sled snow handing out gifts.
READ MORE - The Story Legends of Santa Claus

History of Confucianism

You Must Know "History of Confucianism" Version Ripleys Blog

Born around the year 551 BC in the small town of Lu, now entered the province of Shantung in northeastern China. In young widowed father, making life miserable in her mother's side.
When leaving an adult he became a petty civil servant, but after a lapse of some years he decided to feel a lot better off alone. Throughout the next sixteen-Kong Hu Cu become teachers, little by little to find the influences and philosophies fad followers. Stepping on the age of fifty years of his star began to shine because she can perch on the city government Lu.

The good fortune is not always friendly apparently because people are jealous with this act and the act was dragged into court so that not only managed to remove it from the chair position but also made him leave the city. No less than thirteen-year-old Kong Hu Cu wandering foot step, so the itinerant teacher, just returned home from five years before his death in 479 BC.

Kong Hu Cu-often regarded as the founder of a religion; assumption is of course wrong. He rarely associate with the divine teachings, rejecting talk of afterlife, and expressly deny any talk related matters metaflsika. He-no more and no less-a secular philosopher, just dealing with issues of political morality and personal morality and behavior.

There are two values ​​are very important, said Kong Hu-Cu, which is "yen" and "Li:" "Yen" is often translated with the word "Love," but they are more subject to be interpreted "The hospitality in a relationship with someone." "Li "described as a combination of behaviors, of worship, customs, manners and politeness.

The cult of ancestors, the basic bin basically trust the Chinese even before the birth of Hu-Cu Kong, confirmed again with more emphasis on family loyalty and respect for the elderly. Teachings of Confucius-Cu also underlines the importance of necessity a wife respect and obey her husband and a similar obligation of a citizen to his government. This is somewhat different from the Chinese folk tales that always oppose every form of tyranny. Kong Hu Cu-sure, there is no other country to serve the interests of the people, not turned back. Not tired-jemunya Kong Hu Cu-emphasize that the ruler must rule first of all give you an example based on example rather than by moralists and play hard and kemplang. And one of the few legal doctrine similar to the "Golden Rule" his Christian who says "What you do not like others to do unto you, do not do."

Main-main views Kong Hu Cu basically very conservative. According to his opinion, the golden age was past, and he urged both the ruler and the people to return home, stick to the size genah moral, not digress. The fact that there is not an easy matter at hand. The desire Kong Hu Cu-order rule is not playing the way she snapped, but with good role models show not so smooth at the beginning of his era. Therefore, Kong Hu Cu-more approach a reformer, an innovator rather than what is really so ideal.

Kong Hu Cu-lived in Chou Dynasty, a period menyuburnya intellectual life in China, while the ruling was ignored altogether-petuahnya advice. Only after he wafatlah his teachings spread throughout the corner of China.

Berbetulan with the rise of Ch'in dynasty in 221 BC, had a very bleak future. Emperor Shih Huang Ti, First Emperor Ch'ing dynasty determined to clear-cutting round-adherent Kong Hu Cu and cut off the chain of contact the past. Issuance of orders daily squeeze creamed teachings Kong Hu-Cu and either move the mirror and professional thugs and troublemakers to do large-scale raids, seized all the books containing the teachings of Confucius-Cu and dicemplungkan into the fire pit until it is destroyed to ashes. Depravity plan is apparently also not working. When the Ch'ing dynasty neared collapse, adherents of Confucius-Cu revived embers to rekindle his spirits and doctrines of Confucius-Cu. In the next dynasty (Han Dynasty 206 BC - 220 AD). Confucianisme became the official state philosophy of China.

Starting from the Han dynasty, the emperors of China developed a system level by level selection for those who want to become civil servants by way of taking exams in order to become civil servants do not haphazard but people have good quality standards of skill and morale. Over time more and more directed and weighted selection: eye exam include basic philosophy-Kong Hu Cu. Since the country is so pegawal ladder towards the material welfare and social status keterangkatan, please understandable if among enthusiasts fought fierce battles going places. The next result, generations of air-frontman frontman Chinese intellectuals in great quantities to her until the eye dizzy realm of classical writings-Khong Hu Cu. And, for centuries the Chinese civil service consists of the people gaze rests on the philosophy of Confucius-Cu. This system (with only a slight distraction) lasted for almost two thousand years, starting in 100 BC to 1900 AD

But, Confucianisme not only government official philosophy of China, but also accepted and lived by the great majority of Chinese people, influential down to the basics of their hearts, into the waveguide direction of thinking during a period of more than two thousand years.

There are several reasons why Confucianisme have such a tremendous influence on Chinese people. First, the honesty and innocence Kong Hu Cu-no doubt. Second, he's a moderate and exceedingly practical and do not ask many things that people are not able to be implemented. If Kong Hu Cu-wanted someone to be respected, that person should not bother to become a saint first. In this case, as in the case of the other teachings, he reflects and simultaneously translate the practical character of the Chinese people. Aspect is the possibility that the most basic factor of success of the teachings of Confucius-Cu. Kong Hu-Cu is not asking exceedingly many. For example he did not ask the Chinese to exchange the basics of old beliefs. In fact the opposite, Confucius-Cu in supporting the clean clear language so that they do not need to be shuffled. Apparently, no one anywhere in the world of philosophers such close contact in terms of views which are fundamental to the population as well as Hu-Cu Kong.

Confucianisme that emphasize a series of obligations are addressed to individuals rather than accentuate their rights-it was difficult to digest and less attractive to the size of the Western world. As a philosophy of statehood seems extraordinarily effective. Measured from the point capability to maintain domestic harmony and prosperity of China within a period of not less than two thousand years, it is clear can be equated with other forms of government in the world.

The idea of ​​philosophy Kong Hu Cu-rooted Chinese culture, not many influential outside the East Asia region. In Korea and Japan's subtle influence and is due to these two countries are strongly influenced by Chinese culture.

Currently in a state Confucianisme Guram in China. The problem is, the Communist government tried desperately to link the minds of the population with the past is lost altogether. With a persistent and systematic Confucianisme pounded out so that the most likely one day not too far away from earth Confucianisme China. But because in the past, riding Confilcianisme roots so deep in the earth plunged China, not impossible-for some hundred or hundred and fifty lahun to come - some Chinese philosophers could marry the two big ideas: Confucianisme and the teachings of Mao Tse-Tung.
READ MORE - History of Confucianism
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